Monday 13 June 2016


Andrew Goodwin's theory consists of ideas which support his view that a music video is a genre within itself. This is supported by 6 points:
1) Music videos more often than not tend to include a demonstration of typical genre characteristics. An example of this is that it is typical of a rap song to include flashy sports cars.

2) There are frequent references to the notion of looking and the voyeuristic treatment of the female body. An example of this would be Miley Cyrus' music video for Wrecking Ball, as voyeurism is only shown at one angle/ by one side (female).

3) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals/actions. This is reflected in music videos such as Taylor Swift's Shake It Off, as the characters and actions link to the lyrics.

4) The record label has certain demands towards the artist. They often include the need for a lot of close ups and the artist may have a visual style which recurs across their work. An example of this would be in Adele's work or Rhianna's work as they include a lot of close ups and in Adele's albums, there is a common theme created across the cover of the CD/album.

5) There is often intertextual references (to films, tv programmes). An example of this would be the intertextuality which is presented in The Wombats music video for My Circuitboard City as it references a video game.

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